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Product Solution Demo – LEAD

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Did you know that only 40% of companies say they’ve got the managers they need? Part of the challenge has been finding a way to develop large numbers of new, middle, and senior managers in a way that really changes behaviour in a reasonable time.

Does your organisation need better leaders faster?

The NeuroLeadership Institute is thrilled to present its newest solution, LEAD, a digital solution that transforms manager effectiveness at any scale, fast. Using real neuroscience, cutting-edge AI, hard data, and the latest learning technologies, LEAD changes the game; LEAD converts high potential into high performance.

Join us as we reveal this one-of-a-kind offering, empowering organizations to harness evidence-based essentials for making any manager more effective.

Thursday, February 8

9.30 – 10 AM AEDT / 8.30 – 9 AM AEST

5.30 – 6 PM EST

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