The Essentials: How Diversity Fuels Innovation

An illustration of a group of diverse people working on a rocket launch

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NLI Staff
Diversity isn’t just a “nice to have.” It’s a key element of an innovative business culture.

It’s important to recognize that diversity, equity, and inclusion is no longer a “nice to have,” but a source of business value with tangible benefits that are undeniable. Just look at Salesforce, which in 2022 met its target metric to have 50% of its workforce composed of people from underrepresented groups. In 2023, the company is taking an additional step to link executive compensation to specific environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals — including representation.

Tying diversity to business goals is the only way organizations can build a culture conducive to optimal problem-solving and insight generation — which is essential to innovation and competing in today’s environment. Here’s how to start down that path.


The business case for DEI

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Inclusion Isn’t Just About ‘Having a Seat at the Table’


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