3 Reasons Your Boss Will Want You at the NeuroLeadership Summit

Attend the Summit to learn how to build a better normal.

Authored by

NLI Staff
Your organization is facing challenges that were unimaginable a few months ago. That makes this the perfect time to build a better normal, and to attend the NLI Summit.

Your organization is facing challenges that were unimaginable a few months ago. That makes this the perfect time to learn to both weather the storm and build a better normal. You’re already an asset to the organization, now be a hero!

At the NeuroLeadership Summit, you’ll learn proven practices, based on scientific study, that you can implement immediately.

Let your boss know the Summit will equip you to:

  • Take diversity and inclusion to the next level

Your diversity and inclusion practices might not be enough to meet the moment. Learn from other leaders who’ve successfully overhauled their D&I efforts. Learn how equity, equality, and fairness affect our brains and how we can better use them as tools. Learn how perspective-taking can lead to better outcomes.

  • Support better performance

The performance management plans you created last year won’t work this year. Learn from other leaders about their performance management journeys, how brain-friendly, human-centered approaches can help us thrive through crisis, and how working from home can yield better results in learning.

  • Develop leaders in your organization

You need champions for change right now, and you need to develop leaders for your organization’s future. Learn how to leverage influence to manage change in your organization and how to ensure your most promising employees continue to develop.

That’s the bottom line. Here’s more:

  • Our sessions are rooted in neuroscience. Learn about the neuroscience of change, learning, bias, and psychological safety.
  • The content is essential, not exhaustive. They’re designed such that you can easily see how the learning could be put right to work in your own organization.
  • Our solutions are battle-tested. You’ll hear from professionals with real experience.
  • You won’t miss a thing. Session recordings will be available the next day and accessible for three months.

Ready to register or learn more?

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