Case Studies: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Replacing subjectivity with objectivity is the key to sustaining DEI amid changing internal priorities and external pressures.

Follow the science to unlock the value of diversity to improve organizational outcomes and culture.

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Some of the world’s largest and most impactful organizations benefit from thinking with NLI across practice areas led by world-renowned experts.

Business Transformation at Impact, Speed & Scale

 Learn how organizations like yours leverage neuroscience to prioritize diversity, habituate inclusion, and systematize equity — with evidence-based practices and measurable results.

Featured Case Study: DataMinr

Keeping company culture and working conditions optimal for innovation is essential to Dataminr’s competitive position in the marketplace.

To preserve that position, the company’s leaders knew there was a need to revamp hiring processes to fully reflect the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) priorities to which they had committed. Long after other companies retreated from DEI work in the post-pandemic era, 

Dataminr doubled down. 

The idea was to go far beyond just improving hiring practices. Dataminr wanted to make the broad company culture and standard procedures equitable by design. To get there, they needed a partner with extensive experience managing behavior transformation at scale. 

That’s how Dataminr and the Neuroleadership Institute began their work together.

"Today, Dataminr continues to employ and reinforce the priorities, habits, and systems that make it a clear DEI leader in its industry. The entire organization has renewed its culture around its most valued principles."

Explore Our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Case Studies

Learn how organizations across a wide variety of business verticals build the habits to mitigate bias, accelerate inclusion and systematize equity.

What Powerful Partnerships Look Like

We offer science-backed pathways to transformation for businesses of all sizes — wherever you are in your journey.



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Corporate Solutions for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Transformation

Harness science-backed behavior change programs to transform your habits, teams and business outcomes for the better.

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The Neuroscience of Breaking Bias

Mitigate unconscious bias and make effective decisions.


The Neuroscience of Smarter Teams

Operationalize the true power of diverse teams.


The Neuroscience of Speaking Up

Inspire teams to speak up and share ideas.


The Neuroscience of Advocating for Others

Unlock collective IQ through inclusive habits.

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The Neuroscience of Better Hiring

Take a scientific approach to mitigating bias in recruitment.


Transformations co-created with you.

Assess, understand, plan and execute culture change at your organization.

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