Day: October 2, 2020

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FROM THE FIELD: Paying Mentorship Forward with Kendrick Trotter and Joshua Berezin

With much of the focus of Your Brain at Work on the behavior of large populations, we decided to change gears with something more personal for a bonus series we’re calling “From the Field.”

Our producer Gabriel Berezin stumbled onto an inspiring story that shows the positive impact we can have on each other in quick, simple interactions. In academic circles it’s known as prosocial behavior, in layman’s terms it’s the familiar desire to help others. In this case, it was a bit of guidance for an ambitious young person of color from an experienced sales leader during a serendipitous Uber ride. Meet Josh and Kendrick to get a glimpse of what it looks like to lend a helping hand to those around you, and how that gesture can have a butterfly effect.

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