Looking Back to See Forward: Insights From the Year of COVID

We've compiled our insights from a year unlike any other.

Authored by

NLI Staff
We're adding our voice to the chorus of COVID-at-1 stories, through the prism of organizational learnings and brain science.

Just over a year into the pandemic that changed just about everything, we’re reflecting on what we learned from the largest natural experiment the working world has ever seen.

We’re, unsurprisingly, taking a scientific approach to understanding how the pandemic changed organizations, and how we can use what we’ve learned to make them better. We’re looking back so we can see forward.

In Dr. David Rock’s, the NeuroLeadership Institute’s CEO and Co-founder, recent article in Forbes, he shares his biggest insights from the past year and explains how they can help us build better, more human organizations.

David looks through the prism of organizational learnings and, of course, brain science to explain:

  • Why the building never really created the culture
  • Why companies who truly care about people performed best
  • How the talent pool expanded
  • Why we need to talk about Brenda
  • How it’s possible to build a better normal

Above all, David explains, the pandemic “was a natural experiment and change agent that was handed to us.” It essentially “unfroze” many of our long and dearly held assumptions about how we work. And that means that now is an amazing, and fleeting, opportunity to make big changes—to instill better behaviors and build better systems.

That is if we’re intentional and smart about doing it. Our success, or failure, in making this pandemic a once-in-a-lifetime learning moment comes down to a simple mantra, oft-uttered at NLI: “Follow the science, Experiment, Follow the data.”

To read the full article, click here.

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