4 Growth Mindset Case Studies Reveal the Power of Continuous Improvement

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NLI Staff
Growth mindset comes alive in a number of organizations, and a new NLI white paper showcases four of those success stories.

We could go on and on about the studied benefits of using a growth mindset (and we’d have a great time doing it). But we also want to show how research comes alive in actual organizations — namely, in growth mindset case studies.

In our shiny, new white paper, entitled “Growth Mindset: Case Study Collection,” we bring together four stories from some of the world’s leading companies: Microsoft, Telenor, Cigna, and Bristol-Myers Squibb. The paper features NLI’s original work with each of the companies to guide them toward building growth mindset, and measuring how they’ve managed to sustain the growth over time.

In the paper, you’ll learn:

  • Why the four companies decided to kickstart a growth-mindset journey
  • How the companies created strategies for building everyday growth-mindset habits
  • What the impact of their journey has been on the wider workforce

If you’ve already gotten well-acquainted with growth mindset, consider the stories the next step in your own journey to adopting new habits at your own organization. If you’re new to the concept, consider the stories your first step in the right direction.

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