Three Habits for a More Empathetic Workplace

Illustration of two people on one side of a large valley looking at a person on the other side.

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NLI Staff
Forming quality connections in the workplace — in other words, practicing the three habits of empathy — creates a culture in which everyone wants to bring their best effort.

Quality connections are the secret sauce for a workplace culture in which employees show up every day ready to put in their best effort. Unfortunately, most employees report a lack of empathy — which is necessary for building these connections —  within their organization. Now, NeuroLeadership Institute’s David Rock and Joy VerPlanck offer three everyday habits anyone can practice for a more empathetic workplace: notice the experience of others, understand the other person’s perspective, and act with compassion. Read more about these habits in “Feeling Disconnected at Work? Neuroscience Can Help” in Psychology Today.

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