The U.S. is (Tentatively) Going Back to the Office. Let’s Not Mess it Up


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NLI Staff
With much of the U.S. poised to return to the office in the coming months, organizations are renegotiating how, when, and where people work.

With much of the U.S. poised to return to the office in the coming months, organizations are renegotiating how, when, and where their people work.

The debate as to the best return-to-work policy is animated by a boon to productivity during the WFH months and a (overhyped, we think) concern that remote work may hinder creativity and hamper company culture.

In devising their reentry strategies, leaders also need to balance diverging employee sentiment. Some workers are zealously guarding their newfound autonomy and want to remain completely remote. Others are content with, if not eagerly anticipating, the return to their workspaces.

In a survey conducted by Microsoft and Wharton Business school found that 88% expect a more hybrid way of working in the longer-term, and that while last year only 15% of companies had a set remote work policy, now 76% do.

The bottom line is that hybrid is here to stay, so organizations need to make it work.

To help leaders make the most of their people’s time and talent (and their offices) Dr. David Rock, NLI’s CEO and Co-Founder, explains the science behind hybrid work and culture in two recent articles on Forbes: How To Not Mess Up Return-To-The-Office and Your Culture Was Never Your Building, But Now It Definitely Isn’t.

In these articles, David explains why leaders should care about autonomy; why people should work from home as much or as little as they want; how organizations can foster autonomy other ways, even if people are already working from home; and how culture can be sustained, and even improved, in a hybrid workplace

You can find the full articles on David’s Forbes channel here and stay tuned for more hybrid work insights in the coming weeks.

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