An AI software giant tackles bias head-on

See how AI leader Dataminr used neuroscience to create inclusive culture and boost innovation across the organization.


Dataminr’s real-time AI platform detects the earliest signals of high-impact events and emerging risks from within publicly available data.


1. What can be done at the company level to correct for broad lack of diversity in the tech talent pipeline?

2. What makes workplace culture sustainably inclusive and conducive to innovation?

3. What does it take to retain diverse talent over time?


Keeping company culture and working conditions optimal for innovation is essential to Dataminr’s competitive position in the marketplace.

To preserve that position, the company’s leaders knew there was a need to revamp hiring processes to fully reflect the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) priorities to which they had committed. Long after other companies retreated from DEI work in the post-pandemic era, 

Dataminr doubled down. 

The idea was to go far beyond just improving hiring practices. Dataminr wanted to make the broad company culture and standard procedures equitable by design. To get there, they needed a partner with extensive experience managing behavior transformation at scale. 

That’s how Dataminr and the Neuroleadership Institute began their work together.


Industry-wide lack of diversity in the tech talent pipeline kills innovation


Neuroscience-based habits to mitigate bias across Dataminr


Culture change at scale improved DEI, attraction and retention of top talent

Challenge: Industry-wide lack of diversity in tech talent pipeline is an innovation killer.

Dataminr knew that to attract the sort of diversity that that spurs deep insights and category-busting innovation, it had to attract and retain a more diverse talent pool.

The company’s leaders know well that organizational transformation requires not just intention but a clear plan of action. It was daunting to consider undertaking behavior change around a sensitive topic like DEI in a large organization, all at once. Luckily, this is a specialty at NLI.  

To get started, leaders from NLI and Dataminr carefully collected employee feedback, reviewed key company data and evaluated Dataminr’s existing assets. That information helped NLI generate recommendations aligned with the company’s DEI priorities, including neuroscience-based changes to behaviors and existing business systems—all totally bespoke to Dataminr.

Together, NLI and Dataminr arrived at a set of plans that would:

  1. Distill and articulate Dataminr’s most pressing DEI priorities.

3. Optimize systems to support newly deployed learning habits.

2. Provide clear instructions for organization-wide habit formation.

4. Devise a sticky, ongoing learning journey for Dataminr.

Solution: Neuroscience-based habits to systematically mitigate bias

NLI’s three-module, behavior-based learning program, SELECT, The Neuroscience of Better Hiring, is designed to provide learners with easily-recallable habits to apply throughout the talent lifecycle and beyond. 

SELECT applies a framework known as the SEEDS Model® by identifying how different biases impact the hiring process.

Similarity Bias

Expedience Bias

Experience Bias

Distance Bias

Safety Bias

SELECT is also available for recruiters, and includes a focus on mitigating bias in intake conversations with hiring managers.

Results: Culture shift attracts diverse talent who
want to work — and stay — at Dataminr

Today, Dataminr continues to employ and reinforce the priorities, habits, and systems that make it a clear DEI leader in its industry. The entire organization has renewed its culture around its most valued principles by routinely using:


Now is the perfect time to proactively mitigate
hidden bias in your organization.

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