Transform Your Culture Through Leadership — Elevate Organizational Effectiveness

Learn cutting-edge research for a strategic competitive advantage, led by our Culture and Leadership practice area. Our research briefings, keynotes, and other learning-event formats offer a powerful way to set your executive teams up for success.

Topic Areas

Our Culture & Leadership Practice offers a wide variety of topics within the realm of leadership and organizational effectivness.

Read on to learn more, or click the text below to navigate directly to the topic area of your interest.

Transform Your Culture Through Leadership — Elevate Organizational Effectiveness

Learn cutting-edge research for a strategic competitive advantage, led by our Culture and Leadership practice area. Our research briefings, keynotes, and other learning-event formats offer a powerful way to set your executive teams up for success.

Using AI to Augment Leadership and Performance

Solving for how humans can augment AI effectively to enhance human intelligence is one of the fastest growing needs in business today.

Help your Executives and Senior Leaders learn how to apply the new science of Human-AI divergent and convergent thinking. Leaders will learn new habits to apply Human-AI strategic thinking. At the heart of this science-based best practice is NLI’s new “Human-AI Strategic Thinking Model.” Leaders will learn how to leverage its full potential to drive strategy, innovation and insights.

Equip leaders and individual contributors with the knowledge and skills to effectively integrate AI into their daily tasks, and team processes.

Use a science-based approach to augment AI, in service of driving productivity, insights, and innovation, while mitigating bias and risk. The key three habits that learners will adopt are: Initiate AI into the workplace, Allocate AI into daily tasks, Mitigate Human-AI bias.

These habits allow learners to: Understand the foundational elements of AI and its impact on work environments, Learn strategies to allocate AI applications to increase human intelligence, Develop skills to identify and mitigate biases associated with integrating AI into the workforce, while promoting diversity in thought and perspective.

Capacity, Accountability, and Optimization for Performance

Finding the balance between creativity and execution as a leader is proving to be challenging, given the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world they are surviving in. Learn a science-based approach to managing the “T.O.R.N.” shared experience that most leaders face. The three habits leaders will learn include: Leveling up, Gaining insight and Thinking again. The latest “Cognitive Capacity Grid” tool will help leaders apply new habits for managing cognitive capacity and burnout. At the end of this keynote, leaders will know how to move from surviving to thriving.

According to Gallup’s “State of the Global Workplace” report, 85% of employees are not engaged, nor are they taking accountability for their work, leading to an estimated $7 trillion in lost productivity globally. Join our transformative keynote to unlock the power of Growth Accountability strategies in your organization. Learn how to foster a culture of accountability through a science-based approach to build Capacity, Motivation, and Bias Mitigation, and achieve accelerated culture change by integrating Priorities, Habits, and Systems across your organization.

This session is your key to driving sustainable growth, enhancing efficiency, and embracing innovation at every level. Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your organizational culture and set new standards of excellence.

Recent trends indicate a pressing need for organizations to foster adaptive performance among leaders and employees, addressing the accelerating pace of change and competing priorities.

According to Gartner’s 2024 workplace predictions, challenges such as the cost-of-work crisis, the integration of generative AI, and shifts toward a four-day workweek are pushing organizations to rethink their strategies to attract and retain talent, improve employee engagement, and drive competitive advantage.

These predictions emphasize the necessity for leaders to adapt their management strategies to support the changing needs of their workforce and organizational culture, including embracing hybrid work models and enhancing conflict resolution skills among managers. This keynote will help your employees to adapt faster.

This is accomplished by focusing on three key areas of adaptive performance: Manage Myself, Mobilize Others, Drive Results.

In an era where adaptability and innovation are not just assets but necessities, the transformative keynote on “The Neuroscience of Growth Mindset” stands as a beacon for forward-thinking organizations. This executive briefing leans into the compelling intersection of cognitive science and practical application, illuminating how a growth mindset can radically alter the trajectory of organizational development. It leverages neuroscience to unravel the psychological underpinnings that encourage resilience, creativity, and sustained performance among teams. Attendees will emerge not only with a deeper understanding of the brain’s role in fostering a culture of continuous improvement but also armed with actionable strategies that can be implemented to dismantle fixed-mindset barriers, thereby unlocking unprecedented growth and innovation.

Stay focused and productive through crisis. The habits learned in this session are science-based, insight-rich and action-focused. They help people at any level in your organization to address human threats in the workplace,  to help people re-engage with their work and concentrate on what matters most. The science of social threat and reward, expressed in the SCARF®  Model, can help teams achieve these outcomes. Turn the stress of challenging times into new opportunities for success in your organization.

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Topic Areas

Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Center of Excellence offers a wide variety of topics within the realm of DEI. Read on to learn more, or click the text below to navigate directly to the topic area of your interest.

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