EPISODE 13: The Science and Practice of Transforming Organizational Systems for More Equity

Increasingly, equity is finding its way into conversations, organizations, and acronyms across the world. But there’s a lot of noise, and many misconceptions, about what equity means and how it applies to organizations. As a result, many business leaders aren’t quite sure how to define, develop, or deploy the “E” in DE&I. In Season 4’s final episode, our panel helps you reduce some of the noise by following the science. NLI’s Janet Stovall, Senior Client Advisor, is joined by Dr. Michaela Simpson, Senior Researcher, and Dr. Dominic Packer, Professor of Psychology, Lehigh University. Together they provide science-informed, applicable guidance to help solve systemic inequity and increase equity.

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Culture and Leadership

‘A Deeply Unequal Act:’ HR Execs Alarmed by SHRM’s Decision to Drop the ‘E’ From ‘DE&I’

This WorkLife article highlights the backlash from HR professionals over SHRM’s decision to remove “equity” from its DE&I strategy, a move many believe undermines efforts to address systemic disparities. Featuring insights from Janet M. Stovall, Global Head of DEI at the NeuroLeadership Institute, the article emphasizes that this decision weakens the foundation of fair and inclusive workplaces.

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