Your Brain At Work LIVE – Securing Organizational Buy-In for Talent Initiatives with Deb Bubb

Talent leaders know that people programs make the best impact when everyone aligns to a shared goal — yet many struggle to get deep buy-in from company leadership. This hurdle can spell trouble for learning, development, and other talent initiatives, especially amid economic uncertainty. In this episode, we explore actionable insights for getting the CEO — and the whole leadership board — on board with your talent initiatives. We’ll show you how to elevate your pitch and successfully connect your initiatives to the outcomes that leaders beyond the HR function care about most.

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‘A Deeply Unequal Act:’ HR Execs Alarmed by SHRM’s Decision to Drop the ‘E’ From ‘DE&I’

This WorkLife article highlights the backlash from HR professionals over SHRM’s decision to remove “equity” from its DE&I strategy, a move many believe undermines efforts to address systemic disparities. Featuring insights from Janet M. Stovall, Global Head of DEI at the NeuroLeadership Institute, the article emphasizes that this decision weakens the foundation of fair and inclusive workplaces.

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