Build a leadership model that generates real behavior change.

Leadership development has become a $16 billion industry, with archives of conflicting literature and thousands of complex models. Improving leadership has to start with a clear definition of what a firm means by leadership itself. There is enormous upside when the qualities of leadership are defined in a simple, readily memorable way.

Learn more about this NLI consulting partnership.

Read Our White Paper On Leadership Principles

Organizations devote countless hours and expend enormous amounts of energy developing their leadership models. So how come so few leaders actually use them? Submit your information to find out.

Consulting that perfects your organization's priorities, habits, and systems — with science.

Thinking Partnerships with NLI can strengthen your organization — no matter what your needs are, or where you are in your journey. Read on to learn how we can help your firm adapt faster.

Read Our White Paper On Leadership Principles

Organizations devote countless hours and expend enormous amounts of energy developing their leadership models. So how come so few leaders actually use them? Submit your information to find out.

Featured Case Study: Microsoft

As detailed in the Harvard Business Review, Microsoft remade its leadership framework with the brain in mind—going from exhaustive detail to essential principles.

Concurrently, it also embraced a growth mindset, shifting from a culture of know-it-alls to a culture of learn-it-alls.

“When our executives speak externally, you will hear clarity, energy and success throughout all their talks, and it’s not because we’re coaching them. It’s because it’s just working so well.”

What Powerful Partnerships Look Like

We offer science-backed pathways to transformation for businesses of all sizes — wherever you are in your journey.


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Clear strategies & frameworks to accelerate transformation.

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Scale quickly with proven habit activation initiatives.

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