Presented by Bri Flynn Witthuhn (JohnDeere) and Beth Jones (NLI).

Learn how John Deere‘s manager-led coaching efforts created a more engaging and fulfilling work environment.

The engineering leaders at Deere found that when they invested in learning how to coach their employees more effectively, both they and their direct reports found work more meaningful. Employee engagement and retention increased, and managers developed skill sets that influenced their performance far beyond organizational imperatives — and it impacted their personal lives, too.

Join Bri Flynn Witthuhn (Global Manager of Coaching & Mentoring, JohnDeere) and Beth Jones (Head of Performance Practice, NLI) for an in-depth look at Deere’s journey to enhance their coaching framework and culture. Bri will review how Deere‘s partnerships with NLI accelerated the organization’scoaching vision, improved not just formal coaching engagements but also everyday interactions, and lifted employee performance.In this presentation, you’ll learn about Deere‘s business case for change and how they achieved successful results through NLI’s unique brain-based approach.

Watch to gain useful insights and applications to support your organization’s coaching vision.


You can view the presentation slides here.

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