Five Ways to Deal with ‘Cog Fog’
If you think your brain has become more foggy in the past year, you’re not alone. Research shows the pandemic has given us all a bit more cog fog. Here’s how to conquer it.
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If you think your brain has become more foggy in the past year, you’re not alone. Research shows the pandemic has given us all a bit more cog fog. Here’s how to conquer it.
David Rock, cofounder of the NeuroLeadership Institute, says when a leader is successful in recognizing a person in distress, taking perspective, and responding with meaningful action, the result is both people’s brains receive reward signals that trigger the release of brain candy (like oxytocin).
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In 2007, David and Lisa Rock and their team had been working in leadership development and executive coaching for ten years, when David coined the term “NeuroLeadership.”ef
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